The general acceptance of regulation has surprised some long-time observers of coastal fishing, which, unlike freshwater fishing requires no license and until recently had no limits.
"Budapest offers just about every kind of music from classic rock to punk and heavy metal," says Kate Lorinzci, a long-time observer of the Hungarian rock scene.
According to several long-time observers of this Pope, John Paul puts a bishop's relations with his government in a special category, one that is almost above reproach.
But these days, several long-time observers of cities have unexpected reactions.
They'll be watching a parade of volunteer firemen, scouts and American Legion members that one long-time observer called "straight out of National Geographic."
To some long-time observers of the UN negotiations, Mr Al-Sabban's comments indicate a continuation of this strategy.
Yet, long-time observers say that their responses have been consistent with their divergent political traditions, their memberships and the personalities of their leaders.
Tellingly, to a long-time political observer like Duke Cromarty, she accepted the monarch's homage as her due.
As a long-time observer of PK, I'm sick of this.
"Prior to 1975, there was a lot of whip-sawing going on," one long-time observer said.