Glatfelter, a long-time producer of specialty paper products, is eliminating about 100 jobs at its paper mill in Spring Grove.
Jackson's long-time producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, did not contribute to the project.
She relied on a long-time producer of hers, Cory Rooney, to assist her with songwriting and production.
Their long-time producer, Tony Clarke, died in January 2010.
Dion's long-time producer and friend, David Foster, did not appear on this album.
The single was again produced by their long-time producer, Ijichi Hiromasa.
Williamson recorded two albums with her long-time producer and lover, Tret Fure.
The song was produced by Taylor's long-time producer, Don Davis.
The band's long-time producer Mark Lee Townsend also spoke of the album being recorded on his site.
Most of these programs were produced by long-time producer and friend Tommy Muñiz.