The song was about the loneliness and the dark sides of a long-time relationship and one of the best emotional songs that has ever made in Turkey.
Branch managers and bank officers complained that borrowers with whom they had long-time relationships were being turned down for loans.
She had a long-time romantic relationship with Swiss photographer Renée Schwarzenbach-Wille.
A man well known for his long-time relationship with Behemoth.
Yates began a long-time relationship with Monthly Review in the mid-1970s.
She is in a long-time relationship with the Greek pop singer Sakis Rouvas.
He has a long-time relationship with Britney, an experience that eventually leads him to confront his identity after being endeared to another person.
Her long-time relationship with Pascoe-Watson, formerly political editor of the Sun, broke up two years ago.
That is because Austria has a long-time relationship with the East, and Austrians have had important roles in many joint ventures there.
In his simple life there are no excitements, even in his long-time relationship with a widow.