"But one's risk of getting kidney cancer, even for a long-time user, is not high at all."
Despite pleas from long-time users, this feature has not yet been implemented.
This resulted in numerous long-time users losing their accounts, and began a cottage industry of screen name barter and sale.
But, unfortunately, it doesn't seem that it's been good for some of its long-time users.
Many long-time users are finding their favorite discussion groups glutted and their electronic mailboxes filled with junk mail.
As a long-time user of Spotify I'm curious about what the US reaction will be.
However, long-time users of the drug need to know that these changes to the heart's electrical activity are not cumulative.
Other research on long-time users suggests ecstasy may also increase the risk of liver and kidney problems in later life.
Some long-time users, however, might have a harder time adjusting to the changes or might not appreciate the streamlining.
This has resulted in intermittent user support and server crashes, as well as some bitterness by many of the long-time users.