He asked for $62.6 billion for the war and just $2.45 billion for short-term relief and reconstruction, without addressing longer-term needs.
Each suite would offer a kitchenette, a sitting room and a bedroom suitable to the longer-term needs of many occupants.
In the months since the quake, Episcopal Relief & Development's work with the diocesan development office shifted to meet the longer-term needs of those affected.
This working group is focused on identifying potential near-term investments but not longer-term needs, and it is currently expected to be dissolved in January 2012.
When these longer-term needs are factored in, substantially more people in the United States today are facing a future of limited hope for long-term financial security.
Ms. Goldburg said the rest would also go to this relief effort but that some of the money might be reserved for longer-term needs, like mental health counseling.
Under the new law, the longer-term needs of the children will have to be considered, requiring some assets to be devoted to growth investments.
The RF64 file format should fulfill the longer-term need for multichannel sound in broadcasting and archiving.
The longer-term need is to reaffirm the American commitment.
That is why, combining current requirements with longer-term needs, I feel able to recommend that this report be adopted.