The overtures - like the recent offer for a free second cellular phone - may win her over to a longer-term relationship.
Those who stay with their therapist for longer periods are more likely to report positively on what develops into a longer-term relationship.
"In longer-term relationships, we didn't expect a lot of differences between men and women," she tells WebMD.
"However, if there should be any longer-term relationship, it is not unknown for Incarnations to retain them," Jolie continued.
One-night stand is a single sexual encounter between people, where at least one person has no desire to start a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship.
Countries in the second category remain more reliant on longer-term relationships between borrowers and lenders.
Auto makers are also trying to build longer-term relationships with fewer suppliers and insisting that they meet stringent quality guidelines.
We can, for example, cut down on change and stimulation by consciously maintaining longer-term relationships with the various elements of our physical environment.
Mann explains that the British do not expect a "smiley" display from colleagues because they have more time to build longer-term relationships.
(The most successful companies had, on average, far fewer of each, but nurtured closer and longer-term relationships with them.)