This research was based on longitudinal data beginning prior to the loss.
Another way to test causation in criminology is with the use of longitudinal data.
For longitudinal data (time series) the sampling method may differ from model to model.
They point to the lack of longitudinal data or research to see if there is evidence for long term improvement in patients undergoing the therapy.
The work has typically involved the collection and analysis of longitudinal data sets - in particular he worked on:
Unfortunately, such longitudinal individual data are only currently being built up.
You can only change so much if you want to have longitudinal data, comparing results over the years, which is very important.
Some research however suggests that a similar relationship does not hold in time series and longitudinal data within individual countries.
The aggregated longitudinal data are used to reveal general trends in water quality.
Moreover, replicating his longitudinal data would be expensive and difficult to do.