OHP investigators have also become interested in a relatively new kind of longitudinal design, the diary study, with its comparatively short duration.
This research involves the interviewing of the 12-14 year old children of divorce and both parents, matched with a sample of 'intact' families using a longitudinal design.
Therefore, further research of longitudinal design observing the matches between activities and cognitive abilities in cognitively impaired adults could be critical.
Unlike surveys with a panel or longitudinal design, the entirety of data collected from each household occurs from a single interview lasting about an hour.
This type of design lacks in comparison to longitudinal design when the topic of investigation is developmental in nature.
Advertising research methods that utilize a longitudinal design are arguably better equipped to control for selective perception.
A cross-sequential design is a research method that combines both a longitudinal design and a cross-sectional design.
It aims to correct for some of the problems inherent in the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.
The third type of non-experimental research is a longitudinal design.
A longitudinal design examines variables such as performance exhibited by a group or groups over time.