While the possibility of longitudinal research is very valuable it is also riskier and requires high levels of participant motivation.
More longitudinal research is necessary to help establish causation.
Throughout his career Van de Ven has conducted longitudinal research on a variety of organization and management topics.
Before spending large sums on the drug problem, he adds, he would like to see "longitudinal social research" undertaken to determine "what works."
To assess accurately the victimization risk for women throughout a college career, longitudinal research following a cohort of female students across time is needed.
Although religious affiliation, identity, and participation are closely related, longitudinal research on adolescents suggests that these constructs have different trajectories from one another.
Also, this experimentation method is efficient in longitudinal research that involves longer time periods which can be followed up in different environments.
Tao was a child prodigy, one of the subjects in the longitudinal research on exceptionally gifted children by education researcher Miraca Gross.
Another longitudinal research found several insights regarding the relations between creativity and emotion at work.
The National Institutes of Health has committed millions of dollars on longitudinal research in this area and the data are clear.