In 1988 he fulfilled a longstanding ambition to own a coach, buying one jointly with his father.
In 1986 the association fulfilled a longstanding ambition by obtaining its own headquarters.
Church leaders, in particular, are worried that each Kim now sees the election, which is likely to be held in mid-December, as his last chance to realize a longstanding and long-frustrated ambition to become president.
Mr. Hightower's longstanding ambition, which for the near term hinges on the 1990 elections, has been to create a new populist movement in Texas that might inspire liberal Democrats elsewhere.
The mart satisfied a longstanding ambition for an institution that could exhibit commodities and could provide a setting where buyer and seller could meet easily in New Orleans.
Morrison had a longstanding ambition to become governor of Louisiana, and he ran unsuccessfully for that office three times.
The dispute leaves little prospect for the Pope to fufil a longstanding ambition to visit Moscow.
Some time ago I achieved a longstanding ambition - a lead of Slape Direct on Llanberis's Clogwyn y Grochan.
Since late last month, a Brazilian has been orbiting the Earth aboard the International Space Station, fulfilling a longstanding ambition here.
The agreement satisfies a longstanding ambition by the management of Lehman Brothers to diversify its business, which has been dependent on the ups and downs of the bond trading market over the years.