The African National Congress has muted its longstanding calls for nationalization of industries and redistribution of wealth.
They have denied Pakistan's claim that India will conduct yet another nuclear test, and they have reiterated the country's longstanding call for global disarmament.
It renewed a longstanding call to the Legislature to redistribute school aid more fairly.
But the new version will not include Mr. Clinton's longstanding call for the Government to invest some Social Security taxes in the stock market.
Then, just before leaving town, the conventioneers will probably adopt a platform plank that reiterates their party's longstanding call for tougher controls on immigration.
"We're looking for performance," another official said of the administration's longstanding calls that Mr. Arafat do more to stop violence against Israelis.
At the Graduate Center last week, Dr. Lederman renewed his longstanding call for a radical change in the high school curriculum.
The capital has been marked by unrest and political turmoil since the war ended, adding a sense of urgency to longstanding calls for making the country more democratic.
The federation's president, Albert Shanker, said the data buttressed the union's longstanding call for higher academic standards.
The new disclosure policy was adopted partly in response to longstanding calls from Congress and investors for the Fed to be more open.