American visitors to the villa will be interested to know that it has longstanding connections with the United States.
Albury has a longstanding connection to conservative politics.
Something sweet, gooey and almost tactile that has, nonetheless, a longstanding and seemingly intractable connection with Mom.
Mr. Simon said he had a longstanding personal connection to Lenox Hill.
Beyond financial resources, organization was also strengthened due to the longstanding connections created through segregation and close-knit social networks.
The official also said that despite longstanding connections with Iran, there is deep distrust between the two countries, which fought a eight-year war in the 1980's.
The concert is designed to point up the longstanding connections between Celtic and Appalachian music.
Investigators suggest several reasons for the longstanding criminal connection between Brooklyn and Miami.
Lefranc also noted the Stanley family's longstanding connections to the theatre.
Montgomery had a longstanding connection with Britain.