Another longstanding controversy regards whether or not Holmes ever achieved a full erection.
This generated longstanding controversy over their differences with Biggie, and in later interviews, both rappers would downplay the incident:
Nevertheless, the Duke study seems likely to add fuel to a longstanding controversy over the role of bypass surgery in treating coronary-artery disease.
Wikipedia has a longstanding controversy concerning gender bias and sexism.
It also generated a longstanding controversy.
Instead, he cites labor-management negotiations as the only way to produce solutions to a longstanding controversy that has been muddied by continuing legal battles.
Two studies published last week added fuel to the longstanding controversy over the effects of child care on children's health and well-being.
If Washington accepts the three-year formula, the longstanding controversy over the future of American forces in this former American colony could finally be put to rest.
This is a longstanding controversy, one that has turned on the question of physical presence.
He said a convention could also be used to pass judgment on longstanding controversies like the death penalty, casino gambling, and term limits.