As approved, the law appears to meet the opposition's longstanding demands for a general amnesty for all anti-Government crimes.
Mr. Bush has largely shied away from that longstanding demand, but things may be changing.
Some, like the Baltic republics, have seized upon the central Government's moment of trauma to secure longstanding demands for independence.
Mr. Giuliani made the biggest news yesterday by giving up his longstanding demand that the mayor be granted ultimate control over the school system.
Among Iran's longstanding demands are a lifting of economic sanctions and the resolution of financial claims dating from the 1979 revolution.
The protesters repeated their longstanding demands that Japan continue to prohibit imports of rice.
The affiliated unions could yet put on a show of strength to gain their longstanding demands.
This has been a longstanding demand of Mr. Gorbachev's.
There are longstanding demands, however, for a local police presence.
It capitulates too many of the longstanding demands of the media companies we oversee.