The houses may look like Caribbean Hoovervilles, but they reflect longstanding features of Puerto Rican peasant architecture.
These are permanent and longstanding features of local usage rather than the incorrect speech improvised by any given individual user with poor knowledge of the other language.
Summer residents are a longstanding feature of Saugeen Shores.
More companies are following Amazon's longstanding user-review feature, Ms. Rubin said.
The annoying sidekick is a longstanding feature of child-oriented animated entertainment.
Remarkably, though, for such a longstanding and uniform feature of human biology, scientists are still not sure exactly what causes presbyopia or what might reverse it.
This longstanding feature goes back to the Code of 1872.
Counterterrorist cooperation has been a longstanding feature of the secret cooperation.
It is somewhat disheartening, though, to see PalmOne quietly abandoning some of the longstanding features that made Palm organizers so great.
Virtually every aspect of the story has been disputed at some point and rivalry between researchers has been a longstanding feature of the case.