Two days after the shooting, as accounts circulated through the streets of Bushwick, anger welled into outbursts of violence that reflected longstanding hostility toward the police.
The American concerns for the safety of the American officials are rooted in the longstanding hostility Peruvian guerrillas have shown toward the United States.
Now, five months after the issue opened longstanding hostilities between this city and its black residents, the K-9 controversy may be changing Linden for the better.
In the background of the political battling is a longstanding hostility toward banks in the United States.
Justice Scalia's dissent noted this incident as an example on which he has based his longstanding hostility to the use of legislative history in court decisions.
And most agreed that the best thing to come out of the violence was the public admission that there were longstanding hostilities between blacks and Jews.
"I was struck by his lack of education policy experience and his longstanding hostility to basic civil rights laws," Mr. Kennedy said.
But the Moscow group also fell victim to longstanding hostility in the provinces toward the capital's intellectuals, who are regarded as privileged and arrogant.
Mr. Assad denied sponsoring terrorist organizations or helping to arm Mr. Hussein, noting the longstanding hostility between the two countries.
Zuhayr's poetry was written when two Bedouin tribes ended a longstanding hostility.