Another longstanding institution is the Fremont branch of the Seattle Public Library.
That is called dissent, a longstanding institution in this country, but one with which Dale Petroskey, president of the Baseball Hall of Fame, is not fully familiar.
Towards the end of the 20th century, the place of longstanding institutions and traditions within the college community underwent changes initiated by internal and external parties.
This development brought thousands of people to the area, but the neighborhoods created often lacked longstanding institutions or discernible centers.
The longstanding Christian institutions described above consider developments in Christianity since the nineteenth century to be unorthodox in the strongest possible sense (or cults).
But the Whitney also bears the burden of a longstanding institution that expects to be taken seriously, like the city's other major museums.
As we look inward at our longstanding institutions, what we see is sordid.
The Audiencia was a longstanding governmental institution in New Spain.
O Map At this longstanding institution, any day is fine to sample the rich, black bean and salted pork dish.
She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities.