Government officials say that the aggressive response is warranted by the extraordinary situation, and that they are simply enforcing longstanding laws.
Even though there are longstanding laws against it, many workers say they have encountered sexual harassment on the job.
They cited little-known but longstanding federal and state laws that give preference to the blind when it comes to operating concessions on government property.
But enforcing the longstanding law requiring cleanup plans is a change.
Under the circumstances of this case, it was "unreasonable, unnecessary" and contrary to "longstanding law," the court concluded.
The decree, published April 8, replaced longstanding laws against dissent with two new statutes.
They said the Clinton Administration was planning more vigorous enforcement of longstanding laws against discrimination in insurance.
They are similar to a longstanding law in New York that limits the hours that residents can work.
Under longstanding law, no United States government funds may be used to pay for abortions or to lobby on abortion policy in other countries.
A longstanding federal law strictly limits the ability of his mortgage company and other lenders to foreclose against active-duty service members.