Senator Orrin Hatch, a conservative Republican and longstanding opponent of abortion, jolted social and religious conservatives this week when he came out strongly in favor of therapeutic cloning.
He has been a longstanding opponent of tuition fees.
The controversy was familiar to Mr. Chalabi, who has long inspired divergent passions as one of the most tenacious and longstanding opponents to Mr. Hussein.
Among Democrats, some longstanding opponents of the Nicaraguan rebels see the agreement as a way to hold the rebel forces together and said they would oppose it.
"This is outrageous," said Madeleine Polayes, the president of the Coalition for a Livable West Side and a longstanding opponent of the project.
His death set off an effort to pressure the Bronx District Attorney, Robert T. Johnson, a longstanding opponent of capital punishment, into seeking the death penalty.
Thanh's ideology was essentially republican, right-wing, and modernising in outlook, which was to make him a longstanding opponent of the King Norodom Sihanouk.
Iran has been seeking direct talks on any subject, seeking recognition of its growing regional influence and validation from its longstanding opponent.
Batman (Bruce Wayne): the vigilante protector of Gotham city, and Anarky's longstanding opponent.
"It's a cancer on the process," said former Gov. Thomas H. Kean, who has been a longstanding opponent of senatorial courtesy.