And he says that his organization never ordered members to boycott any product but simply repeated its longstanding opposition to advertising.
But Mexico did not budge from its longstanding opposition to cutting tariffs on American wines.
He confirmed his wife's longstanding opposition to abortion.
Also in the late 1940s, Cranston began his longstanding opposition to nuclear weapons.
It was not clear whether the American offer would prompt any change in Iran's longstanding opposition to preconditions.
He promised to improve the public education and health care systems, and affirmed his longstanding opposition to the war in Iraq.
The Governor also indicated for the first time today that he might be ready to relent in his longstanding opposition to increasing personal income taxes.
Just one week ago, the governing Labor Party dropped its longstanding opposition to a separate Palestinian state.
The proposal would mark a significant departure from the Administration's longstanding opposition to expanding such housing.
The White House also chose today to reiterate its longstanding opposition to gun control.