Negotiators for the advertising industry have said that they want to do away with longstanding rules governing residuals.
The state law requiring government to accept the low bid makes an exception for longstanding local rules like the one in the old Charter.
However, I believe a family's personal responsibilities should not interfere with any other tenant's quality of life or the condo's longstanding rules.
All these longstanding rules, which curtail the number of inspections, are being challenged by city officials.
He reversed a longstanding rule prohibiting school officials from speaking directly to journalists.
The founding of a mission followed longstanding rules and procedures.
The company has a longstanding rule that executives step down at 65.
She added, though, that the paper had dropped some longstanding rules, including never picturing a person smoking.
It was a longstanding rule in American criminal law.
IN professional kitchens there is a longstanding rule: there can be only one head chef.