Dalvin stands for Dalmacijavino, a company that was a longtime patron of the club.
But without the name on signs throughout the new place, longtime patrons of the downtown store would be hard-pressed to see a connection.
Angel Puga said some longtime patrons had abandoned him and his father.
Beyond that he could have done anything and pleased this club full of longtime patrons of his art.
Many longtime patrons stopped by Arnie's Place over the weekend to play a few last games.
Audiences for the theme program tend to be new or longtime patrons eager to meet like-minded people.
Together with her late husband, Jack, she was a longtime patron of the University.
The two nations were longtime patrons of the Khmer Rouge.
"This is a good house for a Sunday night," a longtime patron said.
The skipper, Mike Ryan, was a longtime patron of the bar.
Dalvin stands for Dalmacijavino, a company that was a longtime patron of the club.
But without the name on signs throughout the new place, longtime patrons of the downtown store would be hard-pressed to see a connection.
Angel Puga said some longtime patrons had abandoned him and his father.
Beyond that he could have done anything and pleased this club full of longtime patrons of his art.
Many longtime patrons stopped by Arnie's Place over the weekend to play a few last games.
Audiences for the theme program tend to be new or longtime patrons eager to meet like-minded people.
Together with her late husband, Jack, she was a longtime patron of the University.
The two nations were longtime patrons of the Khmer Rouge.
"This is a good house for a Sunday night," a longtime patron said.
The skipper, Mike Ryan, was a longtime patron of the bar.