Ford said it still stood by its longtime supplier - Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone were close friends and business associates nearly a century ago.
Smith & Wesson is a gun manufacturer and longtime supplier of law enforcement and personal-defense firearms.
And as a longtime supplier to DFS, it would make a good fit, Mr. Feeney thought.
Cutrale is one of the largest orange juice producers in Brazil and a longtime supplier to Minute Maid.
A longtime supplier to New York City chefs, she was one of the first local growers to produce organic vegetables of restaurant quality.
"We just got a notification from Target that they have changed their payment terms," said one longtime supplier, who insisted that he not be identified.
You can see the work of Irene Otis, a longtime supplier, hanging on the wall to the right as you walk into the shop.
Clay informs his longtime supplier that there will be a delay in payment until the new warehouse has been built.
The corner is also the former home of Maverick Designs, a longtime supplier of unfinished wood products.
The Soviet military, longtime Iraqi supplier and adviser, has been reluctant to cut that tie.