Tom Hicks, the Texas Rangers' owner, who has longtime ties to President Bush, is the vice chairman of Clear Channel.
Another resident with longtime ties to the town, Carol Kiley, said, "It's breaking all of our hearts."
Ms. Rogers is a firm believer in time limits who has longtime ties to the Governor.
In addition, Tom Hicks, the Texas Rangers' owner who has longtime ties to President Bush, is a top executive at Clear Channel.
President Bush's longtime ties to Texas, where he claims his legal residence would make it a tough state for Mr. Buchanan under any circumstances.
The Serbs have longtime ties with Russia and share its Eastern Orthodox religion.
The betting is that Ms. Doyle was brought in precisely because she has longtime ties to the school and is unlikely to make waves or attract adverse publicity.
His family had a longtime ties to Shinto, Japan's ancient syncretic faith.
"This is going to produce as many ulcers as $10-a-barrel oil," said Ben Love, chairman of Texas Commerce Bancshares who has longtime ties to both men.
"It says that they're looking very carefully at a woman," said a Republican with longtime ties to the White House.