And about a third of the longtime users rise up and walk around, somnambulist style, during the trances.
For most on-line subscribers, said longtime users, being lost in cyberspace is a passing phase.
From all we were able to tell at post, he had been a longtime user of intravenous amphetamines.
Ms. Hannah, a longtime user and promoter of biodiesel, said by phone from the conference that interest in the fuel had never been higher.
But longtime users remark on the increase of voices on the 40 channels available to them.
Those are the ONLY two features that many savvy, longtime female users of the web require.
Lawyers, news organizations and insurance companies were cited by both officials as longtime users of these data.
The denial of the equipment had shocked some longtime users of the bandshell.
While such a campaign probably won't hurt, it will do little to help chronic, longtime users, most of whom are adults.
He said the tests did not indicate whether the two men used the drug just before the accident or were longtime users.