We Chinese are longtime veterans of commerce, my friend.
He felt self-conscious reminding longtime veterans of such basics, but did not let that stop him.
He is a longtime veteran of Pancrase and has also competed in Strikeforce.
Bleu's first major storylines provides him with the opportunity to work with not only the new comers to the show, but also longtime veterans.
Many players feel it hurts longtime veterans because, they say, true free agency is inhibited by the rigid salary cap.
Mr. Wolfe, 77, is a retired tax assessor and a longtime veteran of the close-knit appeals board.
Many of the longtime veterans have areas of specialization, but everyone does everything, especially the dirty work.
He was commoner and a longtime veteran, but he'd never done work like th either.
Some participants were longtime veterans of political campaigns, eager to acquire insider knowledge on how to run more effective campaigns.
George was given matches and wins over longtime veterans of the territory without "paying his dues".