Several Block Island residents and longtime visitors said they had heard of the camera controversy.
But longtime visitors say the occupants of the shabby chairs have included Laurence Rockefeller, Aristotle Onassis, McGeorge Bundy and so on and on.
With Quartzsite's growth, longtime visitors like Greta Knudsen, 69, and her husband, 70, complain of a decline in the rock hounding and swapping that was its original lure.
Those numbers, last year's especially, seemed to evoke more complaints than ever from residents, environmentalists and longtime visitors.
The hotel, which is in a wooded area, has booked no other guests except airline flight crews and longtime visitors who are familiar to the hotel staff, FIFA officials said.
Some longtime visitors are not completely pleased with the changes brought by increasing numbers of tourists.
He was also an early member of and longtime visitor to the Three Arrows Cooperative Society.
It had begun with one slow, arduous ascent and a stunning discovery, one that can still marvel first-time and longtime visitors alike.
The results are certain to impress longtime visitors to the museum, on Central Park West and 79th Street.
When Kent decided to sell it, there were two bidders, Mr. Wyeth and Zero Mostel, both longtime visitors to the island.