Ang looked away abruptly, as if he sensed my presence.
He must have had a copy of the same view also, for he looked aside abruptly.
The senior officer looked abruptly at Bonner, and then, just as rapidly, turned away.
There was a doorway in a house on the opposite side of the street which abruptly looked wrong.
She looked away from him abruptly, preoccupied with her food.
It might have been in his face, though, for Shirin abruptly looked away, nonplussed.
Will held his gaze, until John was the one who abruptly looked away.
He abruptly looked around the room, then brought his watch up to view, noticed it was 12:30.
Shantih Love abruptly looked back in such a way that s/he seemed to be looking directly out of the screen into her eyes.
As he put the question, he abruptly looked over his shoulder.