She looked up, and in the slanting light of seven o'clock, Gardener thought the woman looked both aged and ageless.
The others looked ageless, of course; maybe in their twenties, maybe their forties, changing from one glance to the next, always uncertain.
Free at last of the workplace, I no longer feel a need to look ageless and a la mode.
The slim Senite appeared on the screen, no longer looking ageless and aloof, but shaken and tired.
Ms. Pergay, a visionary furniture and interior designer - who, at 75, looks ageless herself - has recently been rediscovered, in the rage for all things 1970's.
Her collection on Wednesday night opened with loose silk dresses in rose pink and China-blue floral prints that looked easy and ageless.
A woman of impeccable grooming and subtle charm, she looked ageless to him, perhaps because he was not erotically attracted to her.
He looked ageless.
She did not doubt the Kinswomen's word, but there had to be a reason why the Kinswomen looked neither ageless nor anything near the ages they claimed.
She did look ageless.