For that reason, experts who expect a wave of Alzheimer's cases are looking at them anew.
She looked anew at the tall, beautiful young woman standing before her.
He added, "We need someone who will look anew at the world, without the blinders of the past."
The way she said it made him look at her anew.
"Dan Quayle now has an opportunity for people to look at him anew, and they may find that he's grown in his job."
It wasn't until the 1970's that people began to look at Depression era art anew.
Each of these books forces us to look anew at a writer we might have come to take ever so slightly for granted.
Coming over the top of a small rise, he looked anew for the fork, but didn't see it and kept running.
Many executives are also looking anew at their own boards.
Now that they have asked, he is looking anew at Apple's problems.