Do we show ourselves to be mine owners of men who look to us as an example?
The Met has flaws, but troubled European houses are looking to it as an example, not the other way around.
The union has not been specific about the size of a raise it seeks, but the teachers often look to Yonkers as an example.
Many women looked to her as an example of advancement in traditionally male-dominated preserves.
People are looking to you as an example.
I hope they're looking to California as an example of what not to do.
"It's something we're looking at as an example of the process not being what it should be."
Look at modern humans as a small example: We vary in size and height due to diet.
"I look at it as a typical example of what we were doing back then," Cottrell said.
I hope that other nations throughout Europe can look to Scotland as a good example in the fight against climate change.