Quickly, Miles found his place again on the agenda, and sat up and tried to look attentive.
When it was finished he came to me looking very busy and very attentive.
The Major looked at him very attentive too, and he says "I never saw this face before."
Just now, he was standing before the prince, trying to look attentive while gasping slightly for air.
The clerk took the bill and looked more attentive.
The Bench looked very attentive, and also a little alarmed.
No longer required to do more than look attentive, Angela forced herself to eat so she could quickly make her excuses and leave.
"Why would he look attentive over lunch at the Ritz?"
The agents couldn't have looked more solemn or attentive, but also puzzled.
He tried to look attentive, but in fact he was bored.