The baby then looks ever so slightly bereft, as if he is already missing the sound of his own laughter.
Chase looked utterly bereft, like a man defeated instead of a captain with a rich prize.
Mr. Fluck looked depressed and bereft, as if his wife had just walked out or come back, depending on how he felt about her.
Then when I saw my father he was standing up and he looked totally bereft and terrified.
He had looked bereft, as if a bomb had snatched away his family and friends in a single instant.
She looked at Anne, who was now seated on the bunk, looking strangely bereft.
Though he looked oddly bereft these days for Ssssaaa had not rejoined him.
The remaining Davids were left in a big room that looked bereft, as if it had been robbed.
Cathy just looked bereft, her face slack in the golden light of sunset.
With the tube in, he looks bereft, unmanned.