It was taped shut with shiny brown tape and it looked brand-new.
The windows were covered with iron security bars that looked brand-new.
I could make it look brand-new if you wanted.
The bill, from the nineteen-forties, still looked brand-new, and seeing that crisp note made Don feel sad.
"You mean the copy you gave to the state attorney looks brand-new."
A lot of the furniture looked brand-new, and I was pretty sure who had paid for it.
To the left of the door was a keycard slot that looked brand-new, and an intercom box above it.
The box looked brand-new, and there was a Woolco price sticker on it that said $7.23.
He was dressed in a bulky blue jumpsuit that looked brand-new.
She didn't even move into her house on Southside until a few months ago, and the dining room furniture looks brand-new.