He looked casual and comfortable in the warm atmosphere of the library.
The guy was slightly Asian-looking, tall, with a sharp suit that managed to look casual and expensive at the same time.
I hoped the by-play looked nice and casual to the man out in the brush.
The others moved quickly after him, not wanting to be left behind, trying very hard to look casual and unimpressed.
He looked very casual, very alert, and very much at ease.
Most of them look too short or casual for a wedding, and I still hate black at weddings, although it seems to be increasingly acceptable.
I got to my feet, trying to look calm and casual.
In the kitchen, four people scattered and tried to look busy or casual.
Both my parents were dressed up as if it was an important occasion, but the visitors looked more casual.
Like many people who have worn clothes for a living, he managed to look impeccably casual.