The fight to the death is particularly inept; stunt sequences have rarely looked so cheesy.
"Shimmer in fluorescent bathroom or office light looks incredibly cheesy."
It clearly doesn't reproduce well, just by looking at the photographs with the article, and it looks cheesy.
"Even the critics were saying, 'The movie looks really cheesy, it looks like it was shot on video,' but so what?"
In whatever way the film was put together, however, "Oliver and Company" looks cheesy and second-rate.
It looked pretty cheesy, by all accounts, so the producers waited for nature to catch up with the calendar.
From the outside, this sprawling resort may look pretty cheesy - and it definitely is.
Or maybe it's just that over-literal art looks cheesy.
And miracles, of course, mean special effects, which to us now, gazing back at 1947, look unbelievably cheesy.
Was the move by the Democrats to jump onto a fresh horse in the stretch going to look cheesy to voters, or just nimble?