Laurin looked around at them complacently.
Looking complacently down on him, Rheva heard him murmur as in a dream, "Both of them."
Hannah looked at her visitor complacently.
"Not as well kept as ours, I'll be bound," she said, looking complacently at the perfect sideboard and the beautiful chairs ranged against the wall.
She looked complacently through the screening.
And looking at her complacently, she added, "Humph, we certainly are a handsome family!"
But we are engaged, you know, which is quite different,' said Sophie, looking complacently at her hand.
Poirot looked complacently at the faces turned towards him.
Behind him, Peithon and Arybbas looked complacently at each other.
And if he bears certain things with which to bind her power-" He sighed and looked around the room complacently.