He looked forward confidently to re-election, having dealt with 456 problems brought by constituents.
He could confidently look forward to more session work and production would play a much greater role in his career once Fairport had disbanded.
Mr. Winkler, as the family's top general, was already looking ahead confidently to the next campaign.
After tomorrow, short of accident or violence, men could look forward confidently to living out their normal lifetimes.
The old Oriental looked confidently at the young dark-haired woman.
In light of its past and present, Rincon can confidently look forward to a bright future.
He added that he looked forward confidently to the orderly reduction in the nation's public debt.
This was when they usually packed in and I looked confidently at the dog for signs of submission.
He looked confidently round, and was glad they could not hear the persistent beating of his heart which gave the lie to his words.
We look forward confidently to providing a service of the highest quality from our new main base.