For the past 100 years novelists and poets, especially in France, have been looking covetously at the irrational as a kind of reservoir of the absolute.
Frazier looked covetously upward.
Meanwhile, our cousins from the steppes look at us covetously; and await their turn.
The Big Sky skiers, for their part, would look covetously across the boundary rope at the chutes they weren't allowed to ski.
She looks covetously at a toddler, murmuring: "You could be mine."
The White House is looking covetously at the United States ambassador's post in New Delhi.
Carmichael looked covetously at the eyepiece.
Topthor looked rather covetously at these valuable documents.
When the boys take refuge on a farm, Matt looks covetously in through the farmhouse windows: "A plump woman and a young boy sat at the kitchen table, speaking.
When the old king died, his son had no ear for music, and I thought it best to get well out of the kingdom before he began to look covetously at the gold on my harp.