The other man looked at him disbelievingly.
She felt Slater's fingers tighten and opened her eyes to find him looking disbelievingly back at her.
Kostas looked disbelievingly at the monitors, then slowly began to relax.
He looked disbelievingly at Mullett as if the man had taken leave of his senses.
James's eyes filled suddenly with tears, he wiped it them and looked disbelievingly at the wet on his fingers.
As the weapon clattered on the deck, Kirk looked disbelievingly at his empty hand.
He looked disbelievingly at the blood that stained his hand and jacket.
He took a deep breath and looked disbelievingly at Mahoney.
Klinger looked at him disbelievingly, and then threw back his head and laughed.
I looked disbelievingly up, but she was real.