A thick lock of dark brown hair had come loose and curved across his brow, making him look even more disconcertingly like Frank.
A tall woman with white hair and Brianna's face, and a blue-eyed gaze that looked disconcertingly beyond her.
She drifted back into the room and handed me a glass of what looked disconcertingly like quick set cement.
Out of the murk ahead of us emerged what looked disconcertingly like an orange snowman.
It was an eccentric image that made them look disconcertingly like a vaudeville team.
A ghostly figure appeared just within the veil, standing on the water, chin in palm, looking disconcertingly at the spot where the caravel had been.
But the bed was on a steel frame with wheels that made it look disconcertingly like a hospital bed.
Their place was about a klick from the lake, in a copse of evergreens that looked disconcertingly like palm trees on Earth.
She looked disconcertingly at her own destroyed arms as she spoke, making her point all too clear.
Baring his teeth, he looked disconcertingly like a full-blooded Klingon.