Ushers discreetly looked the other way as the trailer was being trailed.
Then I looked discreetly away so as not to intrude on the happy family reunion.
Gina noticed that several of the other figures were looking across at them discreetly, and trying not to make it too obvious.
Earlier that day, Gabriel had contacted a lawyer to discreetly look into the matter for him.
Going back to his desk, Bob looked discreetly over Morris's shoulder.
The others were discreetly not looking at him.
He had tried to look discreetly in the halls but the boys with guns kept corralling him back into the living room.
Beatriz tried to look discreetly around the corner to see if the big man was crying.
The producer looked at his watch discreetly, letting me know that my time was up.
The others around the table looked discreetly at their watches.