George tried to look disdainful.
The majors looked tired and openly disdainful of the appearance of their men.
Ghost pulled his hair in front of his face and looked disdainful.
Ms. Fisher-Harrell looks disdainful with a cigarette holder until she has a brief barefoot solo.
He had bowed to Malfoy, who was now patting his beak, looking disdainful.
Don't look so disdainful, my friend; free markets were elegant, self-correcting systems.
To Ralph his smile looked both nervous and disdainful.
Lady Arabella looked more than ever disdainful and was passing on; the mongoose jumped at her in a furious attack.
Now the five guests no longer looked so disdainful as they pressed forward to get their first look at a sacred relic.
Doyle looked a little disdainful, as if I'd insulted them all.