She looked disheveled but happy when he finally could step away to let her go.
The thing was, you see, she looked very disheveled, as if she'd been attacked or involved in some rough stuff.
He looked more disheveled than the dynamic Ivanov of the apartment photo gallery.
Lorna looked very disheveled, and it was only the early morning of what would be a wilting summer day.
The sylvan was standing on the sill looking disheveled and grimy, as if he had been rolled in dirt.
"It got rid of some of the dye, but it left the money looking pretty disheveled."
Here, the Matrix room is drained of color, and the exhibition looks disheveled and not ready for viewing.
He knew he looked disheveled and probably wild-eyed, but that might work to his advantage.
Zedd's wavy white hair looked more disheveled than usual.
His wife, looking disheveled and abandoned, was still asleep.