He was a middle-sized fat man and the fat didn't look flabby.
Besides, he didn't look nearly as soft and flabby in the rough clothes he was wearing now.
If your skin is very white, it makes you look flabby.
He looked flabby and pale, so presumably had not been out here long.
Parks explained later that he told Pryor "he looked flabby around the gut."
And from the cameras view point, Jolies arms lost muscle mass and look fat and flabby in the latter photo.
Made him look middle-aged and flabby and tired.
A heavy pizza stone or a metal griddle placed in the cold oven and heated will help stop your pizzas looking flabby.
He had not done any strenuous walking for a long time, and the reflection looked rather flabby, he thought.
Lately he had begun to look flabby, though, as if he had shrunk a bit within his skin.