Her makeup looked ghastly, since the skin underlying it was changing color.
The figure standing on the far side of the room by the hatch which led to the kitchen looked ghastly, unreal.
Things may be on the mend 12 months from now, but much of the year is going to look ghastly.
He stood there a moment swaying on his feet and looking ghastly.
If the old man had looked ill in the train, he looked ghastly now.
He looked ghastly, she thought, as she invited him in.
The faces of the others looked strange and ghastly in the green glow.
The blood on his face must look even more ghastly now that it had a chance to dry.
Roger rubbed a hand over his face; he must look really ghastly.
If they had used real, bright, Vega light, it would look ghastly.