You're a healer, Bethia,' She looked gratified and came farther into the room.
Elspeth looked surprised at that; but the Companions themselves looked gratified.
"I suppose she did," she said vaguely, not looking gratified, as Robert had expected.
The,, servants looked gratified - all but one, whom a soldier patted on the bot- I tom as he went by.
The troll popped the creature into his mouth and looked gratified.
He took out a fountain pen and made a note on my chart; I couldn't see what it was, but he looked gratified.
She looked gratified and proud, as well she should.
Iatzoulinos looked gratified, then grew nervous as the tribune did not stop.
The chauffeur who had not worked for the family as long as the other servants received five thousand dollars, but he looked quite gratified.
He looked so gratified as he said this that I couldn't help laughing.