He looked greenish around his mouth and threw up every few minutes, staggering back from the bathroom to fall weakly on the bed.
Sitting behind the study desk, Dohark no longer looked at all greenish, just exhausted, with deeper circles under his eyes.
Joe looked a little greenish, too, but he said, "First I've got to think.
The air in the ship began to look thick and greenish; it was colder.
The rookie who had discovered him walked away, wobbling a little and looking greenish.
The rookie cop was back, stifi looking a bit greenish.
Some yellow highlighters may look greenish in colour to the naked eye.
There were only six remaining in the party now, and all looked greenish.
It was less than a half hour, and Di was back, looking decidedly greenish.
The tan of the summer had vanished from his face and he decided he did look a little greenish.