She began to wave to a seat, but stopped herself - she realised it must look grimy to them as well.
Yellowing wall panels, installed when the barn was first made into a house in the 1960's, looked not only grimy, but cheesy.
He knew he looked far too grimy and forbidding for that.
The snow had never looked so grimy and dirty along the dingy streets.
And because the convicts spend much of the movie walking on a dusty road, they look grimy.
Her skin was a pale white and her hair looked grimy and pulled back.
They looked inert and grimy, models trapped inside a worn-out toy.
It was hard and lumpy, and the fabric looked grimy from years of neglect.
His jeans and shirt looked grimy and thoroughly slept in.
In shadow their cloaks of ice looked grimy and tattered, eroded by time.