My own face startled me, it looked so haggard and so wild.
For a guy who spends his life in courtrooms, he looks exceptionally haggard.
Amanda wondered why the young woman looked even more haggard than usual.
He has even lost his earlier charm and looks pretty haggard.
There was Philip, looking somewhat haggard, although the quick smile he shot her was the same as ever.
Bascal, for his part, did not look exceptionally haggard, or worn down in any way.
Then this morning at breakfast he'd taken her into his confidence, looking even more haggard than usual.
Just then, two nurses walked by, looking somewhat haggard.
Benjamin walked back to get him, his old face looking more haggard and careworn than usual.
He bumped into T'gellan who looked thin and haggard despite a night's sleep.